Heroes & Forgiveness

Zen Parenting Radio show

Summary: The theme for this week is forgiveness (big and small) and heroes.  Cathy and Todd talk about a  mugger who apologized to his victim on facebook...35 years later. In the spirit of the holiday season they discuss other forms of forgiveness - to ourselves and others. They illustrate this with the story of the two monks. and they also talk a lot about Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.<br> <br> As we age, our heroes evolve - Todd's hero growing up was Walter Payton, but now he is in awe of others such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and a man named Chuck Feeney. The story about their philanthropic efforts can be found here.  We also discuss Nelson Mandela and Malala.<br> <br> » Read more about the apologetic mugger  here.<br> » Read more about the two monks here.<br> <br> The documentary called The One percent is mentioned in which Jamie Johnson exposes the life of an heir to the Johnson &amp; Johnson fortune.<br> <br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELodtbfqBCA<br> <br> We also dedicate the show to the life and memory of Nelson Mandela.  He is honored in part in this music video from U2<br> <br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC3ahd6Di3M<br> <br> We have arranged for a screening of the documentary "Girl Rising" in Lombard.  Click here to purchase your tickets as there going quickly.  The trailer is below.<br> <br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJsvklXhYaE<br> <br> Todd's men retreat is February 28th through March 2nd.  Please email @ comments@zenparentingradio.com for details.<br> <br> We would love to hear any comments from the show by sending us an email @ comments@zenparentingradio.com<br> <br> You can be sure to hear more by liking our facebook page @ https://www.facebook.com/ZenParenting