Episode 5 - Book Club, Poem & Fudge Recipe

The Kindle Witch show

Summary: <br> Welcome to Episode 5 of The Kindle Witch! Join us this episode with a Yule Poem, a fantastic Fudge Recipe and we continue with our Book Club!<br> <br> <br> New &amp; Improved Smooth Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge - Recipe<br> <a href="http://vegweb.com/recipes/new-improved-smooth-chocolate-peanut-butter-fudge">http://vegweb.com/recipes/new-improved-smooth-chocolate-peanut-butter-fudge </a><br> What you need:<br> <br> <br> 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter (all peanuts)         <br> 3/4 cup dark chocolate chips<br> 3/4 cup dark chocolate cocoa powder<br> 2 cups powdered sugar<br> 1/3 cup vanilla nondairy milk<br> 3 tablespoon vegan butter (for greasing pan)<br> <br> <br> What you do:<br> <br> <br> 1. Toss everything into a pot and stir over medium low heat until smooth and creamy. Grease and cover with cocoa a 9x9" pan.<br> 2. Takes about 5 minutes. If it’s too thick, add a splash of whatever milk you’re using. If you accidentally put too much milk, keep stirring until it thickens a bit.<br> 3. Once texture is even, pour into prepared pan. Put in the fridge or freezer to cool (depending on how patient you are). The fudge is soft, so chill before serving.<br> I brought the whole pan into work and everyone attacked them so I'm not sure what the actual serving was!<br> <br> <br> Preparation Time: <br> 15-20 minutes<br> <br> <br> Some have changed out the type of soy milk used – or used almond milk instead.<br> <br> <br> Also, if you some peanuts in your fudge, choose to use chunky peanut butter instead.<br> <br> <br> Contest - Book Club Book<br> We still have a contest for a copy of the next book we will be reading as a book club. Though the book has not been picked yet.<br> You can be entered in for a chance to win a kindle, nook or physical copy of the book by leaving feedback in one of three places - The blog, via email, or on the facebook page. You can only get one entry no matter on where you leave the feedback. However, if you leave a review and rating of the podcast on iTunes you can earn a second entry to the contest!<br> The winner of this contest will be picked in 8 weeks, in the next Book Review episode of the podcast!<br> <br> <br> Next time on the Podcast<br> <a href="http://www.amazon.com/The-Witchs-Bag-Tricks-Personalize/dp/0738726338/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1379606152&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=the+witches+bag+of+tricks">The Witches Bag of Tricks by Melanie Marquis</a> The last Chapters 18 - 24<br> <br> The book is available on Amazon.com by clicking on the title of the book.<br> The book is $12.15 (Paperback) and $9.99 (Kindle).<br> <br> If you are joining us with a Nook it is available from <a href="http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/the-witchs-bag-of-tricks?store=allproducts&amp;keyword=the+witchs+bag+of+tricks">Barnes and Noble</a> for $10.49<br> <br> <br> <br> We will be reading from 11 through to Chapter 17 - listeners/readers are encouraged to join the book club discussion by emailing their comments to  thekindlewitch (at) gmail (dot) com<br> You can also share your comments here on the blog or by leaving your comments on the Facebook Page.<br> <a href="http://facebook.com/thekindlewitch">http://facebook.com/thekindlewitch</a><br> <br> <br> Thank you again for listening! Read on! &amp; Blessed Be!<br> <br> <br> Faelyn<br>