095 Crucial Years in Metal 1995


Summary: We're back after a little hiatus with a big transition year in metal for established acts...1995. It was the year many underground mainstays spread their wings a bit. In some cases refining their sound, in others pushing the limits of their genre. Enjoy 1995. Bored (4:06) Deftones Adrenaline TALKSET 1 Self Bias Resistor (5:14) Fear Factory Demanufacture Negasonic Teenage Warhead (4:28) Monster Magnet Dopes to Infinity Hail the Leaf (3:29) Down NOLA From Darkest Skies (6:20) My Dying Bride The Angel and the Dark River TALKSET 2 Once Solemn (3:04) Paradise Lost Draconian Times Bioshere (5:08) In Flames Subterranean The One Brooding Warning (4:14) Dark Tranquility The Gallery Suicide Nation (3:36) At The Gates Slaughter of the Soul Born in a Mourning Hall (5:14) Blind Guardian Imaginations from the Other Side TALKSET 3 At The Stormy Gates of Mist (3:00) Immortal Battles in the North Retribution...Storm of the Light's Bane (4:59) Dissection Storm of the Light's Bane