144 Voivod Part 2


Summary: We've arrived at part 2 of our Voivod coverage. This second half of their career sees the most turbulent upheaval of the core group. Members leave, a member dies, styles change and a new incarnation is born. Voivod scholar and friend of the show, Jeff Wagner join us again to discuss this truly crucial band. Intro (:54) Nothingface (1989) The Unknown Knows (5:01) Nothingface (1989) TALKSET 1 Nuage Fractal (4:00) Angel Rat (1991) Golem (4:47) Angel Rat (1991) Le Pont Noir (5:43) The Outer Limits (1993) Bio-TV (4:55) Negatron (1995) TALKSET 2 The Tower (6:10) Phobos (1997) Reactor (3:56) Voivod (2003) Polaroids (3:57) Katorz (2006) TALKSET 3 Volcano (6:05) Infini (2009)