146 Trouble's Trouble


Summary: After last week's dose of black metal, we figured it was time to represent some true "white metal". Nearly 11 years into their career, Trouble jumped leaps and bounds with producer Rick Rubin on their self titled 1990 album. Similar to Kyuss, Trouble was a band that didn't fit into any scene and really was ahead of it's time. Alternative rock was rising, thrash was waning and the extreme metal scene was on the verge of some mainstream representation. Trouble were an island among these other scenes and until years later, this album wasn't really appreciated like it could have been. Now long out of print, Trouble's Trouble is ripe for reissue. At the End of My Daze (3:13) Trouble (1990) TALKSET 1 The Wolf (4:33) Trouble (1990) Psychotic Reaction (3:15) Trouble (1990) A Sinner's Fame (4:18) Trouble (1990) The Misery Show (Act II) (7:21) Trouble (1990) TALKSET 2 R.I.P. (4:08) Trouble (1990) Black Shapes of Doom (3:47) Trouble (1990) Heaven on My Mind (4:09) Trouble (1990) E.N.D. (2:23) Trouble (1990) TALKSET 3 All is Forgiven (5:12) Trouble (1990)