Ontario Morning Podcast - Thursday April 19, 2012

Ontario Morning from CBC Radio show

Summary: Mike Payne told us about the efforts by students at Queen's University in Kingston to build a better backyard chicken coop. We heard suggestions on how to ensure your child is getting enough sleep. Author and academic Isabela Granic was our guest. The Toronto Star's Michelle Shephard talked about the prospect of Omar Khadr being repatriated to Canada and what his future will be here. Dr. Larry Schnurr told about his dramatic roadside rescue of a motorcyclist who had an accident. We got some tips on 'greening' our personal grooming from the author of the Ecoholic series of books, Adria Vasil. JC Kenny had the Kingston Report. The director of the Tom Thomson Gallery, Virginia Eichhorn told us about the inquiries she gets from people who think they have unnearthed a forgotten work by a master. And in the continuing series, Disappearing Daughters, we hear excerpts from a panel discussion on cultural attitudes among immigrant communities toward gender selection.