Ontario Morning Podcast - Wednesday April 25, 2012

Ontario Morning from CBC Radio show

Summary: It could be a banner year for grain farmers. We heard why from Todd Austin at Grain Farmers of Ontrario. McMaster researcher Paul Andrews talks about his research that indicates that taking anti- depressants could outweigh the benefits. Alberta's Premier Alison Redford wants the provinces to come together to create a national energy strategy. We had analysis from Roger Gibbins of the Canada West Foundation. Make way for ducklings! Jennifer Gillard told us how a duck family has nested at the local hospital in Cobourg. Mitch Brogan was left a quadriplegic after being struck by a car. He's now walking with the help of robotic legs. Cathie Lee in Collingwood told us more about their program A "Poem in the Pocket" for national poetry month. We talked to author and nurse Bronnie Ware about the 'Five Regrets of the Dying'.