Ontario Morning Podcast - Friday May 4, 2012

Ontario Morning from CBC Radio show

Summary: We heard from Pat Carson, who is worried for the future fo the Chesley Heritage Museum. Our tech guy, Jesse Hirsh, talked about new a new chip that could turn your smart phone into something like an x-ray machine. Jack Roe has the Peterborough Report. John Fleming a planner in London talked about last night's inaugural meeting of 'Rethink London'. Author and lawyer Steven Skurka speculated on whether the Conrad Black who is about to emerge from a U.S. prison, will be the same man who went in. Loblaws has announced they will be eliminating artificial colour and flavour from its President's Choice product line. A chemist from the University of Manitoba, Michel Aliani says there may minimal benefit to switching to 'natural' alternatives. And Anglican Dean Kevin Dixon talks about their unique mass the U2charist, featuring the music of the Irish rock band.