Ontario Morning Podcast - Monday May 14, 2012

Ontario Morning from CBC Radio show

Summary: Here's a house the big bad wolf can't blow down. We spoke to Collin Macleod in Southampton about his dome homes. Our resident Doctor Peter Lin told us how having a sense of purpose can help stave off dementia. British Columbia is going to permit year round schooling. Would that work here? Annie Kidder went through the pros and cons. The London Knights are going to the Memorial Cup. The voice of the Knights, Mike Stubbs joined us with more. Ontario's privacy commissioner Ann Kavoukian told us about 'Smart Data', a new approach to ensuring confidentiality in our online communications and transactions. Having a sense of purpose can help stave off dementia. Justin Bieber's pledge to contribute part of the proceeds from his song 'Turn To You' could help save the Bethesda Centre in London. Trish Douma explained what's needed to keep the centre for unwed mothers operating.