Ontario Morning Podcast - Monday June 4, 2012

Ontario Morning from CBC Radio show

Summary: Our tech columnist Jesse Hirsh told us about the new digital divide, how technology is a big time waster for some. Cloning a tree at the University of Guelph may provided replacements for the elms that have been lost to disease. We heard more from Praveen Saxena. McGill University architect Avi Friedman talked about creating affordable housing shortage in rural Ontario. The legacy of Indian Residential Schools and its effect on younger generations was the subject of a conference as part of the Truth and Reconcilliation process. Andrea Chrisjohn of the Oneida First Nation told us more. Astronomer Yan Cami told as about tomorrow's rare celestial sight, the transit of Venus. Two med students at Queen's spent a week in Trent Hills, to get a taste of rural medicine. Felicia Chandrakumar and Michael Chaikof shared their experiences with us. Researcher Leeat Granek about doctors and how they deal with grieving the deaths of their patients.