Ontario Morning Podcast - Wednesday June 13, 2012

Ontario Morning from CBC Radio show

Summary: Are early risers happier people? We got the answer from researcher Renee Biss at the University of Toronto. Personal finance expert Rob Carrick told us about his new book, How Not To Move Back in With Your Parents. Catholic high school students in London may be able to go to the Red Feather Football games after all. We heard from board chair Philip Squire and student Justin Jamieson. Amy Hall told us about the Lindsay "Lipdub". Vintner Lynne Sullivan in Prince Edward County discussed the new federal bill that will allow wine to be transported between provinces. Political scientist Peter McKenna commented talk among grassroots Liberals and New Democrats on how they can combine forces to defeat the Conservatives in the 2015 federal election. And we heard an update on the surviving harbour seals who were being transported from Storybook Gardens in London to the St Louis Zoo.