In the Trauma of Abuse

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Summary: Javetta went through a life that so many of us cannot even comprehend, yet despite everything she always believed in herself and her own strength. After living through years of abuse from family members and than a husband, Javetta left the only life she knew and took her kids far away and lived in the projects working 2-3 jobs to support her children. After years of struggling she was able to move her boys out of the projects, is going back to school studying law enforcement so that she can help other women and children break free from abuse. While doing all this Javetta and her sons started an organization called Encouragement In The Trauma. Which you can find at They help others by offering postcards, inspirations, music and skits done by the children to show hope and strength and encouragement to those who are going through what they escaped. The strength, courage and bravery of this family is something everyone can learn from!