The World and Everything in It - April 07, 2012

The World and Everything In It show

Summary: Syria promises ceasefire, Obama vs. the Supreme Court, Chuck Colson suffers intracerebral hemorrhage, the spiral of silence, Kentucky company faces complaint for refusing to print T-shirts for a pro-homosexuality event, remembering Earl Scruggs, the legal defense for the U.S. soldier accused of killing Afghan civilians, losing Afghanistan, Andrée Seu on the reality of the Resurrection, possible end to decades of fighting in Myanmar, job growth slows, the GOP VP nominee, Rep. Ron Paul, birds in Israel and kites in Washington, the Book Nook, Easter prayer breakfast at the White House, the biggest news story of all time. Have a comment about this week's TW∓E program? Email us: Or call our listener line: 202-709-9595.