Ed and Ethan’s Daily Bitcoin Update December 5th, 2013

E&E Bitcoin 'Cast show

Summary: A couple of examples of Bitcoins utility as a transactional device have made their way through the news cycle and they could be important simply because of contrasting examples from the past. http://lamborghininewportbeach.blogspot.ca/2013/12/we-just-sold-our-very-first-vehicle.htmlhttp://rt.com/usa/vicco-kentucky-bitcoin-salary-725/ http://feeds.feedburner.com/EdAndEthan http://feeds.feedburner.com/EdAndEthanbitcoincast feedback@edandethan.com Donate bitcoins at: 12CEuFuAXLPQLe679ZHEsXqYgMfzT1p9qn