Gregg Prescott of in5d Radio

Starseed Radio Academy show

Summary: Our featured guest is Gregg Prescott, webmaster of and a host of a weekly blogtalk radio show every Monday at 7PM Eastern, called in5D Radio.  He has written over 300 esoteric, spiritual and metaphysical articles for and will be hosting an upcoming City Of Angels Cosmic Awakening Conference in Los Angeles on January 29th, 2014, featuring Coast To Coast AM's George Noory, Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka, Laura Eisenhower, Barbara Lamb, Nora Herold and Dr. Dream.  Gregg has a Master's degree in Human Services and is also a Child & Family therapist. At the top of the show, it's the Starseed News segment with Anastasia, bringing topics of interest to starseeds, and then we'll have a visit from Nancy Hertz, one of our starseed family, to talk about her new book "Broken Stone: A Real Fairy's Tale". The book is based on a real girl who lived in the early 1900's in NC. She is buried in the poor section of the city cemetery with no other family around her. She is a forgotten person. Her story is inspired by an actual event that occurred one auspicious day by an unsuspecting man in 2010. Three years later, her story which may be true, or not, emerged in Oct. of this year. The book is packed with symbols, original paintings, and lyrics from an accompanying original CD. It is unique, powerful, and a story that is sure to transport and transform. This is a book that makes a wonderful gift someone you care about.  It is available thru, Amazon, B & N, and Tate Publishers as a book or ebook. Thanks for tuning in!