SGJ Podcast #41: Gettin’ Down with Galactic Civilizations III (on Fire!)

Space Game Junkie Podcast show

Summary: So it’s no secret that <a href="">Jim</a> and I aren’t the biggest fans of Galactic Civilizations II, but we try to keep it positive here on Space Game Junkie. Therefore, when we sat down to talk to Paul Boyer, the lead designer of the recently announced sequel, <a href="">Galactic Civilizations III</a>, we were honest about that, and gave Paul (OMG another Paul!) the chance to sell us on the new game. Was he successful? You decide!<br> Now beforehand, I had asked folks to submit questions about the new game that we’d go over during the interview. While the interview naturally covered quite a few of the questions on its own, due to time constraints it couldn’t cover all of them, so stay tuned for a follow-up written Q&amp;A from Paul covering everything y’all submitted to me. :) Thanks, as always, for listening, and enjoy the show!<br>