EP 124 - Xbox One VS PS4 Part 2

Frag Tag Radio show

Summary: The crew is back after a long break to take some hands on time with the Xbox One and PS4! Its been a long but awesome few weeks and we are here to share our thoughts on the hardware and software running both next generation consoles. We also have a ton of reviews on the exclusive games. Which console should you buy? Tune in and find out! Investigated in this episode: Xbox One, PS4, Killer Instinct, Dead Rising 3, Ryse Son of Rome, Forza Motorsport 5, Crimson Dragon, LocoCycle, Killzone Shadow Fall, Kinect Sports Rivals PreSeason, Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag, Battlefield 4, FIFA 14, NBA2K14, Assassins Creed Liberation HD, LEGO Hobbit, Titanfall, Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes, Quantum Break, Plants VS Zombies Garden Warfare, Tomb Raider 2, Fallout 4, Halo Spartan Assault, Rayman Legends, Game of Thrones, Sunset Overdrive, Crackdown 3, Saints Row 4 ...and some other stuff. Enjoy!