Finally Overcoming Obstacles and Moving Forward

Got Clutter? Get Organized! with Janet show

Summary: Every time you think you are moving forward do you feel as if you are being pulled two steps back?  At the beginning of the year did you list personal goals you wanted to accomplish and now feel frustrated because nothing is crossed off your list?  Are you ready for a major breakthrough so you can finally live the life you have dreamed?  Join me and guest Darlene Hunter has she shares strategies on overcoming obstacles to techniques to moving forward.   Darlene Hunter is a powerful motivational / Inspirational speaker, the author of the book “Over coming the Obstacles, Releasing the Winner in you, Co-author of the book "Getting Well: Mind, Body and Spirit", radio talk show host of “The Darlene Hunter Show” life and business coach. She attended the University of Delaware and majored in Sociology. She has a passion for people and has always had a heart for encouraging those in need. She is constantly reaching out to motivate and inspire others around her.  This is evident in the way that she touches lives through her messages.