#169 – Rio Bound

Rant Cast show

Summary: On this week’s pod regular presenters Ed & Paul look back on international week, with a dramatic series of play-offs taking place worldwide to find the final qualifiers for next summer’s World Cup in Brazil. Sweden versus Portugal in the World Cup was a classic; England’s friendly against Germany at Wembley was not. Around a dozen Manchester United players made it to the finals. Also on this week’s pod: we look forward to the weekend’s game against Cardiff City in Wales and to the Champions League fixture with Bayer Leverkusen in Germany next week. Finally, we have a fantastic competition to give away three pairs of tickets to the Manchester Premier of “The class of 92”. To win simply answer this question. In the famous picture of the ‘Class of 92’ featuring the Neville brothers, Nicky Butt, Paul Scholes, Gary Neville and David Beckham with coach Eric Harrison, who is the player everyone forgets?