Know The Ledge Radio show

Summary: Did you know we are descendants of noble KINGS & QUEENS of KMT, Kush, sages and spiritualists from Indus Kush, Angor Wat, merchants from the Moorish Empire? We wrote the Bible, Quran, Emerald Tablets, Bhagavad Gita, Dead Sea Scrolls, US Constitution, ancient Sumerian texts and the 101's, 102's and plus degrees of every system known to man....but TODAY collectively we are the most destitute, confused, backward thinking, non reading, not ready for action group on the planet! Something, just a lil something ain't right.  How can someone find paradise in poverty without working OT to change their position?  How can you be poor and righteous in the same sentence?  KTL EMPOWERMENT presents the second installation from the ongoing campaign to bring Health, Wealth & Knowledge of Self to those who want to effectively CHANGE their current predicament!  TUNE IN TONITE...CLASS IS IN SESSION!  www.jointhepills.com