Defending The Republic: Obamacare ??? Will It Work? - Nov 19,2013

Southern Sense Conservative Talk show

Summary: This show is dedicated to: Major Rudolf Anderson Jr., who was killed on October 27, 1962, when his U-2 spy plane was shot down over Cuba, making him the only military casualty of the crisis and shaking Washington and Moscow into cutting a deal. Listen to my show at - Defending the Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick" and "Cool" Mike is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections. Its a battle of Conservative values and principles in defense of our Republic! Special Guest: Texas Mom - Yolanda Burroughs Vestal This Texas Mom wrote an open letter to President Obama, for whom she voted, when her health insurance was cancelled. ** If your insurance was cancelled because of Obamacare, we want to hear from you! Call in number at showtime is: 917-889-3675