Infendo Radio E3 edition

Infendo Radio | Nintendo Podcast show

Summary: So here's the thing. The Wifi is terrible at E3. For that matter the Wifi is terrible in Canada as well (sorry Marcus!). For those reasons and a few others, our podcast was truncated this week, and we actually lost 10-15 minutes of the show. Sorry! Doesn't mean that is still there isn't excellent however! Think of it as cutting off the fat on an excellent piece of steak maybe.<br> <br> In any case, when the episode does pick up, we will be talking about Nintendo Land, so dive right in and enjoy the show!<br> <br> Be sure send us in your comments and questions to if you wish to be a part of the show. You can also follow Essel, Harrison and I on Twitter at @EsselPratt, @hmilfeld, @Verius and @Infendo_Eugene, respectively. Thank you all for listening in, and enjoy the show!