NDE : The paradigm shift Is happening NOW! causing lots of Confusion

Crs Radio Caribbean Radio Show  show

Summary: Ellyn Dye is an Author, Intuitive Coach, Public Speaker, Reconnective.® practitioner, and Practical Mystic. A Near-Death Experience (NDE) in 1985 expanded her psychic abilities and created a link with some very loving—and humorous— of humanity and the ancient wisdom.  She has over 30 years’ accumulated wisdom and understanding of metaphysics, life on earth, and Who We Really Are. Through Intuitive Coaching, she empowers people to consciously become the Magnificent Creators that they are. It is there for all of us; it is part of all of us. Her CD, Journey Through the Tunnel of Light, provides a description of her NDE and a guided journey through the Tunnel of Light to experience the unconditional Love and Joy of Home—and bring that back to planet earth. Ellyn is the author of the metaphysical fantasy novel, The Search for the Crystal Key—an adventure about believing in yourself and the power of Love; and she is currently writing a new book, Creating Heaven on Earth. . . One Soul at a Time; A How-To Manual for Ushering In the Golden Age, from the Perspective of a Near-Death Experience, that discusses the Great Shift we are undergoing and how we can navigate through these amazing, challenging, changing times. The most important things Ellyn learned from “dying” are that: 1) God does not judge us; judging is a human trait, and God only loves us unconditionally; 2) we are not flawed, limited beings; we are Divine Powerful Beings, parts of God that live on past the death and separation of the body; and 3) we are the creators of this world, and if we stop pretending that we are separate, powerless victims, and take responsibility for what we are creating, we can, in fact, create Heaven on Earth.Find out more about Ellyn, her NDE, her coaching, and her books, calendars, and CDs at www.LionMagic.com.www.crsradio.com www.caribbeanradioshow.com  661-467-2407