VGS Show 428 - Thankful to Be on the Road (to V-Stock) Again (11.25.13)

The Video Games Show show

Summary: First off, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Please excuse the audio on this podcast as it was recorded on the Tascam in a moving car, so please don't freak out.  Also, big thanks to Vomitron for providing the new return and closing music for this and our future shows.  Now, onto the show itself.  Kraft and Keith pile into Rich's car as we the crew sets out looking for game gems while hitting up all three V-Stock locations in the STL.  Along the way they talk next (or now current) gen systems, retro gaming, Bongo interviews the folks at Asthree Studios, and we read out answers to the question of the week.  Yes, it is a bit shorter than usual, but at least we got a show up.  Again, Happy Thanksgiving and we will be back in studio next week.