Intermediate S2 #17 - Crossing a Chinese City Street is a Challenge!

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Summary: Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- A:喂,你快来帮帮我,我过不去马路了。 B:怎么回事?你在哪儿呢? A:我在人行横道这边,一直在等红绿灯,怎么也过不了街。 B:你跟着人流走啊,有人过你就过。 A:可是他们都不看红绿灯啊。 B:看什么红绿灯,没车了就过。 A:好多车都堵在十字路口了,它们也不让行人,能动的时候就横冲直撞的,我太害怕了。 B:那... 你往右边走十分钟,有一个过街天桥。 ----English---- A: Hey, come help me, I can't cross the road. B: What happened? Where are you? A: I am at the crosswalk, I've been waiting for the traffic light to turn green, but I just can't cross. B: Just follow the crowd, cross when others are crossing. A: But they don't care about the green light. B: Forget about the traffic lights, just cross when there is no car. A: There're a lot of cars at the intersection, and they don't let the pedestrians cross, just start driving whenever, I am too scared. B: Then...walk ten minutes to the right, there is an overhead crossing bridge. ----Pinyin---- A: Wèi, nǐ kuài lái bāng bāng wǒ, wǒ guòbuqù mǎlùle. B: Zěnme huí shì? Nǐ zài nǎ'er ne? A: Wǒ zài rénxínghéngdào zhè biān, yīzhí zài děng hónglǜdēng, zěnme yěguò bu le jiē. B: Nǐ gēn zhù rén liú zǒu a, yǒurénguò nǐ jiùguò. A: Kěshì tāmen dōu bù kàn hónglǜdēng a. B: Kàn shénme hónglǜdēng, méi chēle jiùguò. A: Hǎoduō chē dōu dǔ zài shízìlù kǒule, tāmen yě bù ràng xíngrén, néngdòng de shíhou jiù héngchōngzhízhuàng de, wǒ tài hàipàle. B: Nà... Nǐ wǎng yòubiān zǒu shí fēnzhōng, yǒu yīgè guòjiētiānqiáo. ----Traditional ---- A:喂,你快來幫幫我,我過不去馬路了。 B:怎麼回事?你在哪兒呢? A:我在人行橫道這邊,一直在等紅綠燈,怎麼也過不了街。 B:你跟著人流走啊,有人過你就過。 A:可是他們都不看紅綠燈啊。 B:看什麼紅綠燈,沒車了就過。 A:好多車都堵在十字路口了,它們也不讓行人,能動的時候就橫衝直撞的,我太害怕了。 B:那... 你往右邊走十分鐘,有一個過街天橋。 --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!