Why Is No One Listening To Me? - What you need to know today to get others to listen

Self-Mastery: Becoming a Leader of Light in a changing world - Co-Creator Network show

Summary: HI often will hear clients complain that no one listens to them in the workplace (and at home, for that matter!). Now, we know that it is likely an exaggeration that no one listens; however, when you perceive there is a theme going on in the listening department, maybe it is time to take a little stroll down the behavioral boardwalk! Consider these questions to gain more clarity: What does it look like when people ARE listening to you? Become conscious of what feels good to you, what listening actually looks like in your world? When you can be clear about your needs, you can share them with others. Once your co-workers and friends know what you need, the ball is in their court to meet you half way. Do you say things that are worth listening to? As human beings, we tend to gravitate to others of like mind or philosophy. Basically we like to spend time with people who make us "feel good". What kind of energy boost or drain do you offer others? Are you complaining more than you realize? Could you be using relationships as a dumping ground for your toxic emotions? Is it time to put a deposit in your relationship bank and focus on listening to what others may need or want? Hey, you never know, you just might shift things if you shift your own perceptions.... If you are looking for a solution to any interpersonal dilemma, the greatest success begins with a "Self Inventory"