How Do I Know It Is Time To Let Go?

Self-Mastery: Becoming a Leader of Light in a changing world - Co-Creator Network show

Summary: How do you know it is time to let go of something in your life? How do you know that you have given it your all and that you can walk away with the satisfaction of trying your "utmost" to make something work. Whether it is a co-worker connection or a personal relationship, a way of life or change in career, too many of us ignore the signs that answer this very question. There is a difference in being persistent and stubborn persistence (Harrison Inner View). Think of spuds Mackenzie, the famous pit-bull dog from commercials past. Known for his "lock jaw" approach to getting the job done, he became the symbol for commitment in the extreme. We all know employees, friends and even family who choose to hang on, long after it serves them, or anyone else, for that matter. Becoming overwhelmed with what happens once you let go paralyzes your ability to act. Being observant and courageous to see things as they are can be the first step to personal and professional freedom. Noticed Any Of These Lately? What have you been experiencing in your life? If it has been longer than a couple of months, consider your candidacy for personal change. You feel that you have to do it all yourself You have run out of motivation You are spending time in "the past" You are exhausted Life is full of snags and "bad timing" You are trying too hard You feel restless You feel like you are in two places at the same time all the time People interpret you the wrong way When nothing seems to yield When something you are involved in or with consistently gives you more pain than joy Life feels mechanical