Ed And Ethan’s Bitcoin Cast #2 (Correction in show notes)

E&E Bitcoin 'Cast show

Summary: Throw something in our tip jar. Ethan enjoys a stiff drink! 12CEuFuAXLPQLe679ZHEsXqYgMfzT1p9qn 1:16 - The guys take aim at popular podcasting pioneer Adam Curry and tech writer John C. Dvorak who display an incredible aptitude for failing to understand the finer points of bitcoin as they bludgeon their way through denouncing the popular crypto currency as nothing more than a disaster waiting to happen. http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/19erg1/get_out_of_bitcoin_john_c_dvorak_who_predicted/ 11:30 - Bitcoin market cap is at over $380,000,000. What are the finer points of this $380M figure and what does market capitalization mean? Also, how do lost bitcoins effect this figure? http://blockchain.info/charts/market-cap (CORRECTION: Ethan stated that lost bitcoins would mean the bitcoin market cap is in fact an underestimation when the reverse is true. While lost bitcions add to the value of circulating bitcoins, this is already reflected in market prices and have nothing to do directly with the market cap of bitcoin. We regret the error.) 15:40 - Are major business investors ready to take a look at bitcoin? Ed and Ethan ponder the next evolutionary stage of bitcoin as a money and talk about crazy future projected valuations. A single bitcoin is divisible to 100,000,000 units and theres a reason for that. http://bitcoinmagazine.com/coinlab-bringing-bitcoin-to-wall-street-with-mtgox-deal