Connect The Dots: Be Inspired, Stay Inspired

Life Coach Chat Channel show

Summary:  Join us November 14, 2013, Thursday 10am, As we discuss External Distractions That Keep Us Off Track. Listen To Tips & Tricks To Cultivate Motivation & Inspiration-Driving With Focus Not Exhaustion! Amy is the CEO of Choose Evolution Coaching Systems, a Lifestyle Catalyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Lover of life long learning.  It is her intention to create radical transformation for her clients from the inside out.  Amy is on a mission to stoke the internal fire of her high achieving clients, helping them embrace evolutionary awareness and create radical action. Together, Amy forms partnerships with her clients to clear out internal and cultivate the transformational tools needed to embrace high-level thinking and take evolutionary action. Sarah Huffer is a certified life coach, public speaker, and Reiki Master based outside of Cincinnati. She aids her clients through a wide range of reaching goals since 2008. Sarah assists her client’s transformation from recognizing/living one’s life purpose, losing stubborn weight, restoring energetic balance, remembering one’s true origin-spirit, and living your most amazing life!