SPP 081 – Growth Hacking for Authors

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: Our main topic this week was growth hacking, but before we got down to it we hit a few updates: • We announced the winners of the Kobo Aura HD drawings: Adam Haviaras and Carolyn Jewel. Mark from Kobo will contact you directly, so look for an email. Congrats, Adam and Carolyn, and thanks, Kobo! • We answered three voicemails: about redrafting, our bios and catalogs, getting permission for repurposing stories, and dealing with bad reviews. • I (Johnny) was contacted by a big-name person about film and TV rights for Fat Vampire. I'm not allowed to get excited and we all kind of doubt anything will come from it, but it's awesome for ALL of us (including you out there listening) because it means Hollywood is paying attention to indies. The rest of the show was dedicated to the idea of "growth hacking," which is the kind of marketing that all of us should be employing to build our businesses. Growth hacking focuses on creating an ideal product-to-market "fit" (creating the best product for your people), marketing in small-budget ways that are innovative and outside the box to those ideal people, and always tweaking to get more out of less. This is a topic you should be paying attention to, so listen in! Here's the video version of the show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlKh9N-oSuA