Episode 59: An American in Paris…Alone.

No Challenges Remaining show

Summary: Ben and Courtney tried recording Episode 59 together, but the Internet connection between France and England proved prohibitively terrible, so Ben was left to forage alone in the Parisian desert. But he found an oasis of lovely ladies to talk to there, beginning with Carole Bouchard of L'Equipe. Ben and Carole discuss French tennis, why French fans like booing so much, and why Twitter has proved so wonderful for tennis fans around the globe. Ben then welcomes in Julie C. Rabe and Linda Christensen, the stenographers who travel the world transcribing the press conferences of all your favorite tennis players (as well as your least favorites). Who are the easiest and toughest players to handle? And how is life on the road from their unique podium-side vantage point? Courtney will be back next time, but in the meantime enjoy Episode 59! And as always, thanks for <a href="http://facebook.com/ncrpodcast">liking us on Facebook</a>,<a href="http://twitter.com/ncr_tennis"> following us on Twitter</a>, and <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/no-challenges-remaining/id583552127">subcribing to us and leaving us reviews on iTunes</a>!