Wonder Woman and Nightwing in Batman vs. Superman, Ghostbusters 3 Casting, Star Wars Episode VII Casting, Thor: The Dark World Reviewed

GeekScholars Movie News show

Summary: There were a whole bunch of casting rumors this week, in some of Hollywood's biggest franchises, which was a great excuse for GeekScholars Movie News to check in with updates on some of our most anticipated projects. To start, there's been lots of buzz surrounding the fact that Wonder Woman and/or Nightwing (aka Dick Grayson/older Robin) may appear in the Man of Steel sequel, Batman vs. Superman. Also, it sounds as of Ghostbusters 3 is still happening, and that Jonah Hill and Emma Stone have been offered the opportunity to wear Proton Packs. Finally, if that weren't enough, the GeekScholars discuss the old news the Sherlock/Khan himself, Benedict Cumberbatch is rumored to have been offered a role in Star Wars: Episode VII, along with 12 Years a Slave co-star, and Serenity alumnus, Chiwetel Ejiofor. To close out the show, the crew reviews Thor: The Dark World, along with a spoiler session after the credits!