TechMuze Ep 34 – A Simple Mix

Podcast | TechMuze Academy show

Summary: In this episode of the TechMuze Podcast we take a look at a super simple, 2 track mix of a tune called “Come A Little Closer” By Heather Luckhart. This simple session will hopefully make it easier to hear the subtle effects of some of the treatments we use on a regular basis in a typical mix. To hear more from Heather Luckhart visit and get some free tracks via email. Transcript » TechMuze Ep – 34, I’m Back! Welcome to TechMuze, a netcast designed to educate and inspire your musical creativity through tech – both technology and technique. Please visit for show, notes and more. Follow us all over the internet at TechMuze Podcast and as always, enjoy the show. Alright, welcome back to another episode of TechMuze Podcast. It has been a heck of a long time since my last episode. All kinds of things have been going down around me. And yeah maybe let me talk a little bit about that. Let you guys know where I’ve been at. We’re friends, right! I think I can get a litte bit personal with you if I may? Over the last few months I’ve been sort of getting use to solo-living. My wife and I have separated. We’ve mutually decided to go our separate ways and its very amicable. I don’t need your condolences or anything like that. Everything is good. But it did make for some pretty hefty life changes. So, that in a nutshell without getting too deep and personal is what’s been keeping me rather ocupied for the last few months. So, I apologize to you as a listener to the show that I haven’t had the opportunity to get one out in a while. But everythings nice! I’m on even an keel again settling in my new place and we’re back in business. So, that explains a little bit of whats going with me. If you want to fill me on whats going on with you, head on over to leave me a comments or better yet comeover to the facebook page. Thats and come and say hey and drop us a link on what you’ve working on there. I put a  call to action there a few weeks ago to get people to post a link to what they have been getting into. It was really kind a good. I had a lot of people submit links to their sound cloud page or whatever and I got a chance to listen to what you guys have been working on. And thats great! You know, don’t just come over and spam my timeline with all your links. That’s not cool. But if you want to send me a message and let me know whats been going on with your musical production endeavors, Id be happy to have a list and I’d love to hear what the techmuze community is brewing. So, today on the show I’m going basically just dive right into it. I don’t want to waste a lot of time here since it has been a while since we’ve got into the meat and potatoes of the TechMuze Podcast. What I want you to do today is bring up a mix that I had been working on recently. I did few tunes with a good friend of mine Hether Luckhart. And if you are into sort of soulful, you know really talented female vocal, kind of a bluesy soulful type of style then you’ll definitely going to dig what she’s putting down because she’s very, very good at what she does. The tune I’m going to describe to you today and demontrate what I’ve done is called “Close To You”, once again by Hether Luckhart. Now, the reason I want to bring this tune up is because it’s extremely simple. This entire session is 2 tracks. A guitar track, a single mono-guitar track and a single mono-vocal track. And I want to use this as an example just because it is so simple, it makes it a little easier to hear to some of the subleties and nuances that we have to deal with as engineers. When you get into a bigger mix, something with 20, 30, 40 tracks in it. Excuse me. You’re still implementing the same stategies. Its just of course a lot more subtle[...]