I was just thinking... about globalization

Crs Radio Caribbean Radio Show  show

Summary: A  few years ago I opened a credit card with a minor department store in my area.  The payments were low and I used it whenever emergencies arose, it was handy for birthday gifts, graduations, weddings or whenever they would have a sale on sheets , towels and underwear.  I kept the card in the back portion of my wallet and never really thought about paying it off completely, but I would always keep the payments low enough to manage. When I got get the bill, like most of America, I'd give a little here and stretch a little there, just enough to keep afloat. No big deal or so I thought. After a few years, the Department store closed abruptly and another company took over its accounts. The new company sent me a letter assuring me that my payments would remain the same and I continue send those minimum payments to the same address.  They even sent me a little tote bag for my trouble. ‘…But there arose a Pharaoh that did not know Joseph.’ But before long I was held hostage to an outsourced company and my nightmare of Globalization began!