Lew Paper, author, Perfect, Don Larsen’s Miraculous World Series Game and the Men Who Made it Happen

Bob Andelman Interviews show

Summary: In the 105-year history of the Major League Baseball World Series, 606 games have been played, with 1, 212 starting pitchers. Of those, 218 have pitched for 9 innings or more. Only one World Series pitcher has gone nine full innings and retired 27 batters with zero hits and zero runs. That pitcher is New York Yankee Don Larsen, and his incredible feat on a warm October afternoon was the “greatest moment” in World Series history according to The New York Times, and the subject of PERFECT: Don Larsen’s Miraculous World Series Game and the Men Who Made it Happen. Lew Paper is the author of John F. Kennedy: The Promise and The Performance; Brandeis: An Intimate Biography; Empire: William S. Paley and The making of CBS; and Deadly Risks. He currently practices law in Washington, DC. Find more original interviews @ Mr. Media Radio • Twitter