Episode 56: Debt Limit Flip-Flops, and the ObamaCare Math

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less show

Summary: I had a nice conversation with a Twitter follower on the flipping and flopping may Democrats have done on the whole debt limit issue. They were very much against raising it until one of their guys is sitting in the White House. What a difference an administration makes! I was pointed to a quote by Dick Cheney saying that "deficits don't matter" as an example of Republicans changing course as well. But that quote is categorically different than what Democrats are saying today. (And Cheney is not what anyone would really consider a conservative.) (And at the time he said that, I disagreed with him.) Dave Ramsey recently did a segment on the math of ObamaCare. Never mind the politics of it all (and he certainly lets both conservatives and liberals have it on spouting talking points rather than "original thought"), the math just doesn't work out. Math isn't political; it's just math. If you respect Dave, you should watch the video. Like my podcast, it's less than 10 minutes. Mentioned links: My Twitter conversation with Andrew James Bush Sought 'Way' To Invade Iraq? (source of Cheney quote) Political Cartoon: Spending, Then and Now (personal blog, "Considerettes", on the Cheney quote) Dave Ramsey Destroys Obamacare DaveRamsey.com You can listen to “Consider This!” on the Blubrry Network if you like. You can find podcasts and save them to your MyCast list, and come back anytime and listen to the latest episodes. Similarly, Player.fm allows you to subscribe to podcasts and play all the latest episodes from your browser. The Stitcher Network is another possibility. Again, you can find podcasts, add them to your favorites, and then either listen to them on the web site, stream them to your smart phone, or to some snazzy GM, Ford, and BMW car. If you do download Stitcher to your phone, please use the promo code “ConsiderThis” to let them know where you heard about it. Of course, you can always subscribe via iTunes as well. And please leave a comment letting them know how you like it. I really appreciate listener ratings on iTunes, which can also lead to having more listeners, and more ratings! Keep the ball rollin’! And if you have some other podcatcher or RSS reader, click here to get the direct feed and paste it wherever you need it. I would love it if you would spread the word about the podcast! Click the Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Digg or LinkedIn icons below (or all of them!) to recommend "Consider This!" to your social media audience. Show transcript My Twitter account is typically used to send out links to interesting stories that come out between episodes. Sometimes those stories wind up as subject matter for the next episode of the podcast. Recently, it turned into a good conversation with Andrew James, whose Twitter user is @OneWhoSeesDimly. And thus comes [tada] the first Twitter feedback! Now yes, others have occasionally tweeted me back before, but this conversation was more along the lines of actual feedback. I’m not dissing those of you who may have replied to a tweet in agreement. It’s just that this was something that made for an interesting segment on the show. I had tweeted a picture of 4 Democrats who were against raising the debt ceiling before they were for it. I had quotes from Nanci Pelosi and Charlie Rangel in 2004, and Harry Reid and Barack Obama in 2006. Obama’s quote you would recognize from last episode’s Name That Quote segment. Andrew replied with this, “So now the roles have reversed does that really surprise anyone? Dems and GOP play games and America takes the hit. Good times” I replied “While Dems sound like GOP now, GOP has (far as I know) never sounded like Dems do now.” Andrew replied with a link dating back to 2004 when Dick Cheney said that “Regan proved that deficits don’t matter.” That wasn’t in reference to a specific debt ceiling issue, but it is something that matters to conservatives. Indeed I replied that Cheney was wrong,