Episode 57: Millions of ObamaCare Broken Promises

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less show

Summary: You were told that, if you liked your doctor, you could keep your doctor. But hospitals are laying off people by the thousands. You were told that, if you liked your health plan, you could keep your health plan. But the Affordable Care Act has, written into the bill in 2010, estimates of how many people would lose it anyway. You were lied to. And supporters of ObamaCare are now waking up to the realization that, indeed, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Turns out we do have a single-payer system. It's just that the single payer is us. How is it that conservatives saw this but liberals didn't? Hmmm. Mentioned links:  [FLASHBACK] Obama: If you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan Obama Promises To Lower Health Insurance Premiums by $2,500 Per Year NEARLY 1.5 MILLION LOSE HEALTH INSURANCE DUE TO OBAMACARE Ben Shapiro's tweet Death Panels in Action: Hospitals Suffer Massive Layoffs Thanks to Obamacare THE KOS KIDS LEARN ABOUT OBAMACARE Obamacare shock: $12,600 deductible, 40 percent co-pay, zero competition Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance NBC Buries Own Reporter To Hide Obama Lie A Plan For Replacement You can listen to “Consider This!” on the Blubrry Network if you like. You can find podcasts and save them to your MyCast list, and come back anytime and listen to the latest episodes. Similarly, Player.fm allows you to subscribe to podcasts and play all the latest episodes from your browser. The Stitcher Network is another possibility. Again, you can find podcasts, add them to your favorites, and then either listen to them on the web site, stream them to your smart phone, or to some snazzy GM, Ford, and BMW car. If you do download Stitcher to your phone, please use the promo code “ConsiderThis” to let them know where you heard about it. Of course, you can always subscribe via iTunes as well. And please leave a comment letting them know how you like it. I really appreciate listener ratings on iTunes, which can also lead to having more listeners, and more ratings! Keep the ball rollin’! And if you have some other podcatcher or RSS reader, click here to get the direct feed and paste it wherever you need it. I would love it if you would spread the word about the podcast! Click the Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Digg or LinkedIn icons below (or all of them!) to recommend "Consider This!" to your social media audience. Show transcript Yeah, I know I’ve been harping on ObamaCare for quite a while now, but there’s just so much wrong with it. And I’m not speaking of the website. All I’ll say about that is that the oversight that was given to putting that together is the same oversight you’re likely to see on the program itself. How does that make you feel? No, the big deal is the fact that what you were sold is not what you’re getting. You were given some promises about this that were repeated over and over. [Audio: ObamaCare keep your doctor, plan] Well of course no one was saying you’d lose your coverage. Obama couldn’t have sold this particular bill of goods if he’d been honest about it. What we’re getting are millions of Americans whose insurance companies had to—had to—cancel their policies because they didn’t meet ObamaCare’s standards. Yes, you can keep your plan, as long as the government says you can. And then you can’t. Ben Shapiro tweeted, “PolitiFact rated Obama's ‘If you like your plan, you can keep it’ as ‘half true.’ Which half? ‘If you like it’?” Oh, and you can keep your doctor, as long as he doesn’t leave the practice, or get laid off from the hospital. There are links in the show notes to stories about how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is, for many Americans, not being very protective in this regard. And the “affordable” part? Not so much, either. First there was the promise. [Audio: ObamaCare, lower premiums] And now comes the reality.