Experts Doubt The Authenticity of Obama's Birth Certificate

TEA Party Power Hour show

Summary: TRUE Experts Rip Obama's Birth Certificate and Social Security Card to Shreds! Jerome Corsi - The New York Times Best Selling Author who recently released Where's The Birth Certificate:  The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible To Be President. Retired Major General Paul Vallely - Fox News Contributor who recently revealed that former CIA agents have confirmed that Obama's birth certificate is a forgery. Susan Daniels  -  a P.I. from Ohio who claims that she can prove Obama's has been using a fake social security number since 1986. Orly Taitz - the California Attorney who is pursuing Barack Obama's birth Certificate through legal channels will give us an update on her activities. Karl Denninger -  a computer documents' expert who uncovered some of the more relevent issues with the electronically released long form birth certificate. Video Mara Zebest - a recognized Adobe expert and author whose written report on the problems with Obama's birth certificate is a must read! Albert Einstein Renshaw Ph.D. -  Introducing the 16 year old computer whiz kid who owns his own software firm and received 1.3 million hits on his video that ripped Obama's long form to pieces.