Mark Visits with Herman Cain and J. Christian Adams

TEA Party Power Hour show

Summary: Herman Cain Invades Texas: To say that Herman Cain was camping out in Governor Perry's backyard recently is an understatement. Cain visited College Station, Texas for a booksigning on October 6th that took place within a Hasting's book store located only a couple of miles from Texas A&M University. Perry is a graduate of A&M and was a yell leader there during his college days as well.   Mark Gillar was granted a short interview during which Cain responded to questions about the "Occupy Wall Street" movement, the now infamous "Perry Rock" scandal, and President Obama's possible motiviation for sharing a podium with as well as marching with the New Black Panther Party.   J. Christian Adams Expose Racialism within Obama's Department of Justice J. Christian Admas, the author of Injustice: Exposing The ARacial Agenda Of The Obama Justice Department, visited with Mark regarding his new book.