Advanced Audio Blog S2 #17 - Beijing Beijing Part 1

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Summary: Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- 北京,北京。(一) 来京之前,就像千千万万个其他人一样,做着要到京城转转的美梦,咬牙切齿地发誓——我要去北京!收拾收拾行李,提着一个大包,连铺盖卷儿都没有,拦了一辆过路车,我便来了。 来到这里后,我有点失望,仗着是皇城,北京的萝卜白菜都比其他地区金贵几分。我觉得北京人说话的方式有点儿村儿,他们的舌头老是打卷儿,咕噜咕噜的,特别是公交车上的售票员,我完全不知道他们的舌头在嘴里往哪边转,只能干瞪眼。其次,我发现北京人用的词儿很老土,这也让我小小不爽了一下,譬如说我们在六十年前说的“同屋”早已被“室友”代替,但在北京人们坚持说“同屋”; “食堂”更是如此,让我直接联想起八十年代的喇叭裤,北京人却依然天天食堂来食堂去的。北京也没有想象的那么繁华,马路甚至没有我们县城的宽,交通没有我们小镇的好,美女没有电视上演的那么漂亮,帅哥也一个个长得让人看不上眼。后来,我还发现,北京的天气真是不适合人类生存,空气不仅脏,而且到处都是沙,出门一个小时就恨不得洗仨小时的澡,抬头永远看不到蓝天白云,晚上也从来看不到银河和星星,久而久之,我就不再往天上看了,看了也没啥意思。北京的水也没法喝,我想,如果有人有胆子喝北京的自来水的话,他一定是不想活了,即使是烧开了再喝,他也会少活十几年,而在我的老家,一个天蓝水清的地方,人们是可以在地上随便挖一口水井,直接从里面打水喝的。北京的生活和工作环境也没有地方上的好,一个小镇上的普通职员,总会有一间免费的宿舍,总会有一个完整的办公桌,小小一个科长的办公室,也完全可以和北京的一个大教授媲美。 总之一句话,我对北京,永远都不会爱上,更不用说一见钟情了。那我为啥不直接卷铺盖卷儿回老家,而要继续留在这里,并一下子住了六七年?原因也很简单,北京也有北京的好。这里的夏天虽然热,冬天虽然冷,但是空调多,暖气也热,当然,空调不是哪儿都有,暖气也不是哪儿都热。北京虽然交通不好,但是车多,据说,现在北京的私家车已经有四百多万辆了,四百多万人都可以买车,我觉得有一天我也可以买,买不起奔驰,买辆QQ总可以吧?北京吃喝玩乐的地方比外地多很多,shopping的地方也比比皆是,对于一个不知天高地厚又很有些虚荣心的我来说,为了有一天能够在这里逍遥,在这里一住住了五六年,也就不足为奇了。 ----English---- Beijing, Beijing Before I came to Beijing, I was like countless others – filled with dreams of the big city and swearing to myself that I'd make it one day! And this was how I packed my luggage, picked up my rucksack and stepped onto a bus heading to Beijing without so much as a rolled up bedspread. After I got to Beijing, I found myself a little disappointed. On the basis of little more than Beijing's Imperial heritage, the vegetables were more expensive here than other places by a not-inconsiderable margin. I also thought Beijingers sounded a bit like hicks when they spoke. Their tongues were all coiled up and they'd murmur relentlessly – especially the ticket sellers on the public buses. I had no idea what they were doing with their tongues in their mouths, so I could only stare at them dumbfounded. Back then, I also discovered Beijingers used a lot of old language, and this set me back a bit. For instance, consider the word “flatmate” which everyone used about sixty years ago. It's been replaced by the word “roommate” everywhere else, but Beijingers insist on continuing to use “flatmate”. “Cafeteria” is another example – just hearing it pulls up images of bell-bottom trousers from the 1980s for me – but Beijingers will talk about coming and going to cafeterias all the time. And the city wasn't as prosperous as I'd imagined. The roads weren't quite as wide as back in my county, and the public transportation wasn't quite as good. The girls weren't as pretty as they were on television, to say nothing of the men. And it was only after coming that I discovered the weather was unfit for human existance. Not only was the air filthy, but there was sand everywhere. You'd step out outside for an hour and find yourself needing to take a three hour bath as a result, or raise your head and find yourself unable to see the blue sky or the white clouds, not to mention the milky way and the stars in the evening. Slowly, I found myself no longer gazing upwards. What was the point? And the tap water was also unfit for consumption, so much that anyone brave enough to drink it was probably marked with a deathwish. And even if you boiled it before drinking you were probably knocking a good ten years off your life. By comparison, my home has a blue sky and clear water. You can dig a well in the ground and drink the water without a second thought. And the work and living environment in Beijing wasn't as good as back home either. As a common employee in a small town, you'll always have a small room to stay in free of charge. And there's always a proper desk and the office of a divisional chief is something that ea [...]