Lum and Abner – The Stores First Day On The Road. 350821.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Horlicks: the original malted milk. In Pine Ridge, there has been engine trouble that developed in the rolling store, just one of many snags in getting the new business started. Abner has solved it with a team of horses until the engine can be overhauled. Cedric is driving as Abner talks with Lum about a mess in the store. Merchandise keeps falling off the shelves. The store is at a stand still as the guys try to decide what to do. They toss around a few ideas: nailing on a board, tying string, gluing down the cans, and other possibilities. Abner gets confused at one of Lums sayings about looking back. He gets busy putting more effort into trying to figure it out, and missing the concept of hind sight that the issue with falling merchandise is set aside. After being brushed off several times for butting in to the conversation, the solution eventually comes from Cedric.