017 – Samantha Sammis on Reciprocity in Gospel Neighboring

Gospel Neighboring show

Summary: About Samantha Orginally from Baltimore, MD, Samantha Sammis attended College of Charleston and studied Sociology and Religious Studies. After being jaded and resentful toward the church, Samantha truly started following Jesus her senior year of college after two girls persistently loved and pursued her and answered her abrasive questions about evil and suffering in the world, the justice of God, etc. Samantha started a ministry in the Eastside neighborhood of downtown Charleston after truly experiencing the love of Christ and wanting to pass it on to others. She left after graduation to teach middle school in Boston, but then felt called to come back and live in Charleston in the neighborhood she was doing ministry in during college. When she moved back God blessed her with a house of believers and strong community of roommates on mission to intentionally love their neighbors, and they have been doing so ever since through Loving America Street. What is Gospel Neighboring A calling we are to fulfill where we are a good neighbor to those around us.  We engage our neighbors in intentional ways. Samantha's Favorite Gospel Neighboring Quote "Be interruptible." - The Art of Neighboring  Tough Lessons Learned in Gospel Neighboring Forcing structure vs loving people. Be open to the fact that loving your neighbor looks different in different contexts. Be willing for 'your plan' to not work but for God to do something else as you relate to your neighbors. More Lessons on Gospel Neighboring Forming relationships and bring people into your home is messy. Take a chance and let a few people liberally your home, and see others come flocking into your home. Form community of learning that is centered around Jesus. Give everyone a role when it comes to food. Neighboring is scary but beautiful. It's much more difficult to be a gospel neighbor if you go at it solo.  Community with other Christians is key. Action for the Next 24 Hours Be visible and present in your neighborhood. Samantha's Final Bit of Gospel Neighboring Wisdom Be interruptible, flexible, and transparent.  Don't have ulterior motives in gospel neighboring. Samantha's Favorite Gospel Neighboring Resources The Art of Neighboring Toxic Charity A Heart for the Community Front Porch Ministry Connect with Samantha Loving America Street Facebook