Emile Hirsch as John Belushi, James Brown Bio Pic, The Addams Family Animated Reboot, X-Men: Days of Future Past Trailer, Ender’s Game Reviewed

GeekScholars Movie News show

Summary: Bunches of biographies to discuss on this week's episode of GeekScholars Movie News! To begin, the crew discusses the news that Emile Hirsch (Speed Racer, Into the Wild) will play legendary comedic actor, John Belushi (Animal House, The Blues Brothers). Plus, updates on the biopic of musician James Brown called Get On Up, and an interesting project starring Justin Timberlake (Friends With Benefits), about the founder of an influential record company in a movie called Spinning Gold. Also, the hosts discuss the potential animated reboot of The Addams Family, and their thoughts on the first trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past. Finally, GeekScholars Fox and Chris discuss their thoughts on Ender's Game, complete with an in-depth spoiler session after the credits.