SitePoint Podcast #160: Adobe and HTML Sitting in a Tree

SitePoint Podcast show

Summary: Episode 160 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week the panel is made up of our regular host Louis Simoneau (@rssaddict), Kevin Dees (@kevindees), Stephan Segraves (@ssegraves) and Patrick O’Keefe (@ifroggy). Listen in Your Browser Play this episode directly in your browser — just click the orange “play” button below: Download this Episode You can download this episode as a standalone MP3 file. Here’s the link: SitePoint Podcast #160: Adobe and HTML Sitting in a Tree (MP3, 35:15, 33.9MB) Subscribe to the Podcast The SitePoint Podcast is on iTunes! Add the SitePoint Podcast to your iTunes player. Or, if you don’t use iTunes, you can subscribe to the feed directly. Episode Summary The panel discuss Adobe launching a host of Cloud services to go with CS 6 and also kicks off a new website dedicated to the open web. We also take a moment to remember web design pioneer Hillman Curtis and talk about the future of advertising on the Web. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1328644474660-10'); }); Here are the main topics covered in this episode: Hillman Curtis, a Pioneer in Web Design, Dies at 51 – via Nathan King (NathanRKing) on Twitter Adobe Officially Unveils CS6 And Its $49/Month All-Inclusive Creative Cloud Subscription Service | TechCrunch Adobe and HTML Internet Ad Revenues Hit $31 Billion in 2011, Historic High Up 22% Over 2010 Record-Breaking Numbers | Business Wire via Cashing Out: Week of April 15th – 21st 2012 in Online Marketing News | ReveNews Browse the full list of links referenced in the show at Host Spotlights Patrick: and Jim Gaffigan’s Trailer Louis: VIM Adventures Stephan: Noah Stokes | Es Bueno / How We Operate – The Potential Client Kevin: Impact – HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript Game Engine Interview Transcript Louis: Hello and welcome to another episode of the SitePoint Podcast, it’s a full panel show this week to talk about the news and happenings in the world of the Internet; hi guys. Kevin: Howdy. Patrick: Hey! Stephan: Hello, hello. Louis: Very dynamic intro, I felt really energetic about that one. Patrick: Yeah, yeah, you sound — you’re a pro; you’re an old pro now. Louis: Ha, ha, seasoned hand (laughs). Patrick: You are. Louis: How you all doing? Patrick: Pretty good, pretty good. I actually got an email this week that was pretty short and to the point. Louis: Congratulations (laughter). Kevin: A whole email, Patrick. Patrick: Yeah, I got an email (laughter) through my contact form, and I’ll tell you the email, it was from Sam, Sam at, I doubt that’s the real address, but it was just one sentence and it was, “So, if you are a web designer do you think your website looks good? It looks like crab.” (Laughter) And that is “crab” with a b. Louis: I think I saw that on your Facebook or your Twitter or something. Patrick: Yeah, I like that. Louis: (Laughing) pretty classy. So many things wrong with that. Patrick: Right. I’m not a web designer, I don’t think my website looks good necessarily; I’m not that high on myself. Louis: It definitely doesn’t look like a crab. Patrick: Yeah, I’m not — it looks like crab; it’s not even red. Anyway. Louis: Alright, so with that out of the way let’s talk about people who are web designers, or who were web designers. Patrick: Yeah, so I picked up a story through Nathan R. King on Twitter that Hillman Curtis had passed away, and I’ll just read from the New York Times story about it by Paul Vitello, the title is: Hillman Curtis, A Pioneer in Web Design, Dies at 51. It says that “Hillman Curtis was an art director of a San Francisco software company, in ’96 he designed the first website for a new technology called Flash Player, a browser plugin that could be used to turn out high [...]