SitePoint Podcast #165: You Say Cache, I Say Caché

SitePoint Podcast show

Summary: Episode 165 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week the panel is made up of 3 of our 4 our regular hosts, Louis Simoneau (@rssaddict), Kevin Dees (@kevindees) and Patrick O’Keefe (@ifroggy). Listen in Your Browser Play this episode directly in your browser — just click the orange “play” button below: Download this Episode You can download this episode as a standalone MP3 file. Here’s the link: SitePoint Podcast #165: You Say Cache, I Say Caché (MP3, 45:15, 43.5MB) Subscribe to the Podcast The SitePoint Podcast is on iTunes! Add the SitePoint Podcast to your iTunes player. Or, if you don’t use iTunes, you can subscribe to the feed directly. Episode Summary The panel discuss topics such as the applications received by ICANN for new TLDs, the X-Box getting a version of IE 9 and more. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1328644474660-10'); }); Here are the main topics covered in this episode: Google Applies for More than 50 New Domains Including .LOL and .YouTube | Digital – Advertising Age and Official Google Blog: Expanding the Internet domain space plus Google Applies for .Google, .Docs, .YouTube and .LOL Top-Level Domains | TechCrunch via Cashing Out: Week of May 27th – June 2nd 2012 in Online Marketing News | ReveNews Moog Music: Staying online when Google doodles you and Bob Moog’s Birthday Surprise Google Doodle, May 23, 2012 in graphs via How survived the traffic influx of a Google Doodle Browser Trends June 2012: Chrome Takes IE’s Crown Browse the full list of links referenced in the show at Host Spotlights Louis: YouTube – World’s Worst Hacker Patrick: YouTube – Andy Samberg Class Day || Harvard Commencement 2012 Kevin: Snoopy | View-source bookmarklet for iPad, iPhone and other mobile devices Interview Transcript Louis: Hello, and welcome to another episode of the SitePoint podcast. It’s our biweekly panel show, and I’m back. Kevin: Yay! Patrick: Welcome back. Louis: Steven’s not back, though. Patrick and Kevin are with me on the show today. Patrick: He’s healthy, though. He’s healthy. He didn’t fly off a bicycle going 80 mph with the wind ablaze, fires, flames, and everything. Louis: Alright. That’s certainly a dramatization of the events that occurred. Because I’m concerned for what stories people might have constructed in my absence, let me say that I was on a bike going well under the speed limit. Patrick: Is this a pedal bike or a motor bike? Louis: A pedal bike. In a bike lane, when a car that was going to park in the street side parking across from the bike lane cut across the bike lane without actually checking his mirror, to get to the parking spot. He knocked me off the bike. I would have been going about 30-35 kph, so still fairly high velocity. I hit the ground hard and have some cracks in the tips of my elbows and one of my ribs as well. So, I’ve been out of commission for a while, but I’m mostly back. I got some ability back in my arms. I can’t lift anything, but I can type and move around. I’m getting there. So, if you are a motorist listening to this, please just check your mirrors. Be aware of other things around you on the road. If you’re a cyclist and this thing happens to you, don’t do what I did, which was to get get pissed off, give the guy hell, get back on your bike, and ride away because you felt fine. You probably will feel fine, even if you’ve broken some bones, right after getting knocked off the thing, because of the adrenaline. So, do take the time to sit around for a little bit and see if you’re going to be okay. Also, get the license plate number of the person who hit you, which I didn’t do, because I felt fine. I was like this is bullshit, rode off and went home. About an hour later, my elbow started swelling up and I [...]