Data Privacy Trends: Randy Sabett, Information Security Attorney

Careers Information Security Podcast show

Summary: Activity at the State Level Points Toward a Federal Data Breach Notification Law <p>Data privacy legislation -- the trend started in California and is being discussed heatedly in Massachusetts today. Data breach notification and privacy laws have now been enacted in 40 separate states, and government observers think we're close to seeing federal legislation proposed. </p><p>In an exclusive interview, Randy Sabett, a noted privacy/information security attorney, discusses: </p><p></p><div id="blist">Trends in state data privacy legislation; </div> <div id="blist">What these laws mean to businesses; </div> <div id="blist">The Obama Administration's approach to data privacy; </div> <div id="blist">Trends to keep an eye on throughout 2009.</div> <p>Randy V. Sabett, CISSP, is a partner in the Washington, D.C. office of Sonnenschein Nath &amp; Rosenthal LLP, where he is a member of the Internet, Communications &amp; Data Protection Practice. He counsels clients on information security, privacy, IT licensing, and patents, dealing with such issues as Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), digital and electronic signatures, federated identity, HIPAA, Gramm-Leach-Bliley, Sarbanes-Oxley, state and federal information security and privacy laws, identity theft and security breaches. He served as a Commissioner for the Commission on Cyber Security for the 44th Presidency.</p>