008-Tweet This! Super Successful Social Media Strategies with Ghost Tweeting Expert Nika Stewart

The Real Deal with Jason Silverman | Business Development / Effective Online Marketing / Powerful Offline Marketing - Jason M. Silverman Powerful Words Character Development and Dance Sites Done Right show

Summary: The Real Deal with Jason Silverman - Featuring  Social Media Expert Nika Stewart There are so many lessons in this podcast for running a successful business as well as a wonderful life.  Jason Silverman enjoyed a fun interview with Rick Barker who founded the Music Industry Blueprint after having a Super Successful career in the music industry...including being Taylor Swift's manager!   If you're interested in discovering the secrets to magnetically engaging with your clients (like the big stars do), then you need to sit down, and really absorb this podcast.  It may just change your life! A little about Nika... As an early adopter of social media, Nika Stewart has expertly used multiple social media platforms to build an enormous following and catapult her brand image. As the CEO of www.GhostTweeting.com, she now manages the social media presence for a diverse clientele including best-selling authors, television hosts, renowned entrepreneurs, and many local businesses. As the founder of the Laptop Mom® Movement, Nika is a lifestyle entrepreneur: A professional who has seamlessly integrated her career into her life. She has a passion for working with entrepreneurs and business owners. She specializes in generating "buzz" and excitement for her clients through high-impact social media campaigns. Listen to today’s podcast and discover: Why should small businesses (dance / karate studios, etc) focus on Social Media marketing? What are the biggest mistakes small business owners make on Social Media? What networks are the most effective for local studios / businesses? What can studio owners be posting?  What are the best things to post? How often should business owners be posting? What is Nika's #1 piece of advice for business owners on Social Media? What one piece of advice did Nika share for business owners to find and maintain success?   Resources www.GhostTweeting.com - Check out Nika's program, GhostTweeting to find out how she can make your social media campaigns more effective and effortless for you.