Gospels, Part 2: Understanding Jesus’ World – 1st Century Religion, Politics and the Kingdom of God

Jesus at 2AM | A Humorous, Intelligent Introduction to the Bible, Theology, Church History & the Spiritual Life show

Summary: To read the Gospels is to be drawn in to a world of great complexity. Immediately we encounter passionate political conflicts, religious sects vying for power, palace intrigues, and the mounting threat of violence in the streets.<br> <br> It is into this world - the world of Israel in exile, grasping for a means of deliverance - that Jesus enters and announces "good news" (literally: the word of victory). And it is this world that we must understand if we are to comprehend Jesus' message and the responses of those who witnessed him.<br> <br> In this second installment of the "Next Steps...Gospels" series, we explore the inter-testamental period of Jewish history: the political developments, the religious responses the various parties that competed for power, and Israel's vision of what "salvation" would entail.<br> <br> Join us as we learn more about the Pharisees and Sadducees, the Essenes and Zealots, Herod, Rome, exile, and the long-awaited fulfillment of God's covenant with Abraham.