Smackdown Its Quiz Time Again

Infosmack show

Summary: This weeks show see's the return of Smackdown, the industry's best, well errr..... only, enterprise tech quiz show! Recording the show was both a blast and a disaster.  Technical difficulties stopped Chris Harney from joining the show.  Unforeseen circumstances stopped quiz fiend Chris Evans from joining.  Skype went mental on us and we had to drop two calls, and finally Ricks recording software failed half way through! Technical difficulties aside, we had laugh, and one of us nearly fell asleep (we'll give a big shout out to anyone who catches Greg Schultz's audible yawn). Questions covered topics from Supercomputing, through storage, and even including the Apple ][. This weeks guests were - Team Hackers:  Devang Panchigar and Greg Schultz Team Grey Beards: Ray Lucchesi and Howard Marks Referee: Megan Mescher Thanks go out to the guys for being on the show and putting up with both the technical difficulties as well as the ridiculous questions. Have fun