Are you Unknowingly Grieving in Your Stepfamily?

The Stepmom's Toolbox show

Summary: Grieving is part of our lives. It’s a natural reaction to when we have lost something of importance in our lives.  Although we often associate grief with death, we also grieve to loss of an ideology, such as having a perfect family, a perfect job, a perfect life. I believe we can’t live fully without experiencing some type of grief.  Many of us don’t know how to grieve or understand the process of grieving. My name is Claudette Chenevert, known as The Stepmom Coach. Join me as I talk with Gloria Lintermans, author of award winning book "The Secrets to Stepfamily Success: Revolutionary Tools To Create A Blended Family Of Support and Respect". We will discuss what grieving in a Stepfamily means and share how to create a stepfamily grieving policy for your family. To find out more about what I do and my work, go to There you will find plenty of free resources to help you deal with various stepfamily issues. Also, you can download your free ebook called "Words of Hope, Inspiration, and Wisdom for Stepfamilies" by going to